All posts by Pike

I’m Playing a Lot of Good Games Right Now (Including WoW)

It’s occurred to me that I really like where WoW is at currently.  It’s nice and relaxing and I have goals to work towards, like mounts and titles.  I still have LFR stuff to do if I want, plus a million other optional things that are available for me if I want.  I don’t know, it’s just nice and cozy right now.  And I like it, although the kids don’t like it that much they prefer to go in the garden and play in one of those solid wood outdoor playhouses since this are more exciting for them.

Other stuff I’ve  been playing:

FFXIV: A Realm Reborn!  I’m a level 12 archer currently.  There’s a lot of stuff about the game I don’t understand but I’m having fun running around killing stuff.  As a lifelong Final Fantasy fan I do dig the little touches like the victory fanfare when you level up.

Diablo 3! The new season started so I kind of got back into this game after some time off.  There’s something relaxing about going around murdering demons in the name of loot.

So many games… so little time.

So I Don’t Know If This is a Bug or What, But…

Crown of the Fire Festival is now transmoggable!

This is a prize from the Fire Festival holiday event, and up until now, it was really only good for selfie and screenshot purposes because you couldn’t transmog into it.  But as of yesterday’s patch, well… let’s just say Althalor is even prettier than usual now!

CN6rq3PUsAA7WBp.jpg largeSo if you have this item lying around, and want to look pretty at ALL TIMES… go for it!

This wasn’t in any sort of patch notes so it may be a bug rather than a feature.  In that case, enjoy it while it lasts!

Into The Wild Blue Yonder

So yes, it turns out the second you can get the achievement you can fly.  No needing to buy a book or training or anything.  Just hop on your flying mount and go for a spin.

CN1t5bNWEAEOSAX.jpg largeI feel extraordinarily productive now.  Like wow, now I can actually go out and do things like archaeology and fighting all the Draenor pet tamers and it doesn’t have to be a pain in the butt!  It’s really rejuvenated the game for me.

The question now, of course, is: What’s gonna happen between now and the next expansion?

Twas The Night Before Flying And All Through the Server…

…Pike was running around in maximum fervor
Because suddenly she remembered she wanted to fly
So best run around now so she can take to the sky

I’ve got another forty-ish treasures to nab and I’ve got to hit Revered with my last faction, which is Order of the Awakened.  That should happen either today or tomorrow, so I’m not terribly stressed about that bit.  But this treasure hunt, sheesh.  Don’t you think all this busywork was a bit much, Blizzard?

Are YOU ready for flying tomorrow?

[FFXIV] I got some sort of Kill Shot move and it’s awesome

I’m a huge sucker for execute-style moves in games.  You know, like Kill Shot, and whatever the Paladin one is called.  So anyways in FFXIV I definitely have one now and it is fan-friggin-tastic.

Two things I like about this game so far;

  • You can get food that will get you an EXP bonus as part of your well-fed bonus.  WTB this in World of Warcraft.
  • There are things called FATEs, which are basically outdoor activities that you can jump in and out of and that get you tons of bonus experience for killing things nonstop.  Actually, the fact that I can kill things nonstop is one of the things I like a lot about this game.  I’m just running around shooting things.

I only played a short session today because I got to the point where for the life of me I can’t figure out where some of the quests want me to go.  So after Running Around Shooting Things™ for quite some time, I decided to log out for the day.  I am a level eight archer on Day Two of my little excursion, so I think that’s pretty good.  I mean, I assume so.  I wouldn’t know, I guess!

So I Tried Out This Newfangled FFXIV Thing

My character has been REBORN!  (Ahaha.  Do you see what I did there?)

ffxiv_08272015_155311 (2)I have no real idea what I’m doing.  The first thing I really liked was character customization, which allowed me to make a deliciously handsome elven young man, and then I made him an archer because duh.

This is really huntery and I like it a lot.
This is really huntery and I like it a lot.

There was a lot of running around, a lot of “wow this is a huge world”, a lot of throwbacks and references that my inner child who has been playing Final Fantasy for two decades appreciated, and finally I got to kill some things when I was level 4 or 5 or so.  I think the game auto-loots things for you?  That’s pretty neat.

Eventually I got an eyepatch, so alt-universe Althalor can channel his inner Lor’themar.

ffxiv_08282015_123014 (2)I’m still not entirely 100% sure what I’m doing.  I got some sort of Serpent Sting type move (remember when Serpent Sting was a thing?) and I’m doing a lot of kiting.  It’s kind of fun.  You have a sprint button and that saves a lot of time.

Before you ask, I am playing on the “Coerul” server.  I had a LOT of different people from various places begging and wheedling me to play on their server, and because I felt bad turning anyone down in specific in favor of another group of friends, I finally opted to go the neutral route and turn EVERYONE down and roll on some server where I know no one!  Whoo!  I mean, I can always make alts on other servers later, right?

Okay, okay, I did it.

After getting a great deal of encouragement from both Twitter and commenters, and getting a final extra push from the fiance who finally bought me the dang thing:

rocket launcherFinal Fantasy XIV, the new MMO hotness.  It’s downloaded and installed.  I’ve yet to play it, so I don’t have any first impressions yet.  Look for those tomorrow, probably!

To those of you who have played it: what do you think?  Any tips for a newbie?

What’s Your Leveling Strategy?

Recently I’ve been rotating between playing three alts: a feral druid, a fire mage, and a ret pally.  They’re all pretty close in level, and two of the three are in Outland.  I’m kind of excited to be able to see all this content again that I haven’t seen since… uh… probably since I leveled my resto druid back in Wrath of the Lich King.

My leveling tactic with them is to alternate days, so that I play one of them every three days.  This lets them build up lots of rested time inbetween playtime, and that plus heirlooms is keeping things pretty quick.  Still, Hellfire Peninsula is just as much of a slog as I remember.  I’m looking forward to being able to split my three little lowbies across the various Outland zones (and Northrend zones) with as little overlap as possible, but unfortunately you gotta do the Hellfire slog on pretty much everyone.

How do you guys level?  Do you just burst through LFG or do you actually quest?  Or is it a mix?