Category Archives: operation hug

Just A Little Personal Victory

If you are Alliance, and I am Horde, and we run across each other on an RP-PvP server…

If we are about the same level, or if you are a higher level, I will fight you.

If you are blatantly attacking a fellow Hordie or a horde NPC or town, I will fight you. (About ten minutes prior to this I went and took care of a level 50 night elf hunter who was harassing Crossroads.)

If you make rude gestures at me or are otherwise acting annoying I’ll probably fight you.

But if I am level ?? to you, and you are all alone, and you are being polite… I will hug you. And then mount up and continue on my way.

Because you never know when you might run across someone who just might be a real bone-fide roleplayer, and those are scarce, even on roleplaying realms.

I like to think I had a really neat little in-character moment today. And those are some of my favorite moments in WoW.

I am a geek, and a carebear, and I like it that way.

Operation: Hug

So way back when I had first started on Lunapike (my RP-PvP-server-hordie for those of you just joining us) and was getting ganked after ganked after ganked by level 70s in Hillsbrad, I came up with a plan. Something that I wanted to do when the tables were turned someday in the future, when I was the level 70 and I could be the one in charge of the newbies’ fates.

I called it Operation: Hug.

And it works like this:

Firstly you need to be high level. Secondly– not a requirement, but this is preferable– you have to be on a PvP or RP-PvP server. Thirdly, you need to head to a lowbie contested zone. Good examples might include Ashenvale, Stonetalon Mountains, Duskwood, Thousand Needles, and Hillsbrad Foothills.

And here is the part where you mount up and charge around searching for lowbies of the opposing faction. When you find one, you run STRAIGHT up to them, looking all scary and menacing.

And then you dismount.

And then you /hug them.

And then you mount up again and run away.

This, my friends, is Operation: Hug.

For a long time I didn’t consider myself to be a high enough level to do this. But now that Lunapike is level 41 and she has herself a cuddly Kodo:

I thought “Well, maybe I’m high enough level now to initiate Operation: Hug.”

So off I went, to Hillsbrad, and then to Stonetalon and Ashenvale.

…unfortunately all I have run into so far are people who are still ?? to me and who still gank me. Dang.

I will not give up hope though. I may still be too low-level now, but someday, Operation: Hug will officially be launched. FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION.

Oh, and yes, I will be posting updates as I finally get Operation: Hug off the ground. And yes, you may participate on your own server, if you like!