Raid Buffed


43% crit. Almost 6000 Attack Power. Can you imagine that when Call of the Wild and Mirror of Truth proc’d? I was laughing like a maniac.

Marksmanship really is a very fun spec, for me anyways. I know there was a time when disliking Marksmanship purely-on-principle was in vogue for some reason (interestingly, Survival was more likely to be seen as “cool and edgy” and all that, at least among the places I frequented), and I think you can still see remnants of that dislike today, but I find it to be an ill-deserved reputation. It easily out-does Survival on Pike’s Personal Fun-o-meter so far.

27 thoughts on “Raid Buffed”

  1. Oh, I forgot to ask, what shot rotation/priority are you using? if it’s topping your fun-o-meter, sounds like I need to give it a try.

  2. Finally! The marksman tree is getting the publicity it well deserves 🙂

    (My main hunter has been MM since the beginning of my Wow career.)

    Hows your DPS compared to BM? Having any issues with the spec so far?

    A lot of CDs to manage, but its well worth it. I have no problem putting out more DPS than a SV hunter in 25 man gear (with my 10 man gear and some ilevel 200 items)

  3. I forgot to add that I have yet to see a BM hunter in a raid so I can’t compare my DPS to a BM yet 🙁

  4. AP and crit are nice, certainly, but you’re going to find ArP will make a huuuuuge difference as well. Trust me. n_~ Not that should shouldn’t keep as much crit and AP as possible, but if you lose a bit to gain a bit of ArP, it’s definitely worth it.

  5. @ Myte – my DPS is roughly comparable to what it was as BM. Possibly a smidge higher.

    @ Zelq – shot rotation: Open with Serpent, then Kill Shot > Chimera Shot > Aimed/Arcane > Steady. Open fight with Rapid Fire and Kill Command, then Readiness and Rapid Fire/Kill Command again. =P

  6. Agreed with Kieran, Armour Penetration is nice and it’s worth losing a bit in other places for a big chunk of ArPen (don’t gem or enchant for it, but it something means a trade off of a fraction of crit or a bit less AP or AGI for a couple of percentage points in ArPen, it’s worth it).

    I’m glad you’re enjoying Marksmanship, Pike. Back in the Great BM Nerf I went to Marks, went out to the dummies, played around a bit and immediately ran back to BM. But then it kind of ate at me, I was thinking I was too hasty in my retreat from Marks, so the next day I went back and respecced again and stuck with it and I’ve loved it ever since, I can’t imagine going back to BM (though I really miss my Loq’nehak who spends his days in the stables watching tv and eating Cheetos). I played with Survival for a couple of weeks for comparison’s sake and I did like it (this was pre-Black Arrow) and thought of sticking with it but then post-BA I really didn’t care for it anymore and went back to Marksman. It’s such a fun spec to play, having a diverse range of tools and ability to meet different situations and does very very nice DPS.

  7. As a marksman, does anyone else try to save a readiness for under 20% so they can chimera shot and kill shot 2x each in the matter of six seconds?

  8. @Chris – I try to use Readiness whenever it seems most expedient, I don’t have a rule for where to use it. The three main instances I make use of it in are
    1) Using it immediately after firing the first Kill Shot in a boss fight. If I can get a Chimera off immediately after the Kill Shot I’ll do that then pop Readiness, but the goal is back to back Kill Shots.
    2) To ensure available Rapid Fires for Rapid Recuperation and/or for extra DPS
    3) Getting another trap up when kiting mobs, but this is more a non-raid situation and is more PVP or when doing group PVE quests, and sometimes in Heroics

    It’s also fantastic to use when a FD is resisted. I do love Readiness.

  9. @Chris

    It probably wouldn’t help much. It makes much more sense to use it with Rapid Fire early on so you can use it more than once on longer fights.

  10. Yes, you don’t want to not use Readiness until the sub-20% point as you can get great use out of it early on for Rapid Fire.

    Hit Readiness after your first Rapid Fire shot cycle (something like Rapid Fire>Chimera>Aimed>Arcane>Readiness and repeat. Depending on the fight and your group you can get a good few applications of Readiness on one boss fight, so don’t save it for later.

    Readiness is all about flexibility so don’t rigidly restrict the use of it.

  11. So errr.. I went MM tonight for the first time in my life, and just like you, I do about the same dps as I was as BM… until I realized one thing: forgot to train max rank aimed shot and chimera shot!

    I was rocking Rank 1 explosive shot for about a month last year. Guess I just never learn…

  12. You can’t just respec and expect to suddenly see your DPS increase over the spec you are familiar and comfortable with. Each tree is different in how it plays, what it’s gear and stat requirements are, and what glyphs best suit it (Lupius, you did change your glyphs from your BM set to a MM-friendly set, right?) and then you need to work at refining your shot priorities and so forth.
    Running to the trainer, respeccing and running back out will not yield a DPS increase.

  13. What is your take on the best of two of the three trinkets listed below:

    Fury of Five Flights

    Darkmoon Card: Greatness

    Mirror of Truth

  14. @ Kenshunter –

    Personally I’d go for Mirror of Truth and Darkmoon Card: Greatness myself.

    …of course, that didn’t stop me from rolling on FoFF when it dropped the other day (nor did it stop about 15 other people in the raid I was in from doing the same)

  15. @Religion – Didn’t mean to hurt your feelings man :O

    I do read your blog as well. In fact your gem idea is what pushed me over the 3500dps mark.

    My point was simply that people that aren’t already marksmen or have yet to try it because its not the ‘cool’ build (ie some readers here) may finally decide to try it.

    To all here, Religion’s marksman blog has some of the best advice (and rants lol) for marksman that I have found so far. Pike has him on her blog roll if your interested.

  16. Aw man! I choked, I seriously choked, those are amazing numbers. My poor hunter isn’t getting the love she deserves, but when I switched and started half-assedly gearing her I was *shocked* at how high her AP became.

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