12 thoughts on “*babbles something incoherently*”

  1. -giggles- Te’he. I felt the same way when I saw that both BRK and BBB had commented on my blog at one point in time.

    Utterly speechless.

    (-mumble- I’d admit that Matt gave me that sort of reaction as well at one point in time, but shhhh. I’ve come to admit that he is indeed not a god, and, therefore, I really, really shouldn’t be in awe of him. xD)

  2. yay! grats Pike!

    oooo we gotta talk about our petrified leafies. maybe we could do a dual-blogging-type thingy?

    i was gonna get some stuff on tape to post.

  3. Well, it’s about time, I sez. But gratz! BRK linkage is by far the best way to draw in new readers, I’s found.

  4. Oddly enough I had a similar reaction when I found myself on your blogroll =P

    Grats on the linkage and grats on legacy as well.

  5. The Congo Rats was from me. Apparently my wife was logged in on my computer today.

  6. Being linked on BRK is pretty much the sign that you have made it as a hunter blog…or a WoW blog in general.

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