Category Archives: ssc

Tawyn's Biggest Adventure Yet

So there I was, on my druid, minding my own business, when I see this in guild chat…

“Tawyn, want to come to SSC?”

…like I’m gonna say no.

I was super nervous at first. I’ve never been in Gruuls or Mags– I was going to go over the weekend but it was cancelled at the last minute. So this was my first time ever in a larger-than-Karazhan raid. After a couple straightforward pulls we got to this guy, Hydross the Unstable. From what I could gather, the whole gist of this fight is basically to stop DPS and run to the other side of him when somebody says “switch.” That, and apply massive amounts of Pew-Pew when necessary. So that’s what I did.

Unfortunately, for some reason that nobody ever really clarified, this boss, whom this group typically has “on farm”, wiped us about five or six times in a row before we finally called it quits. We got him down to 40% once before suddenly our tanks were dead. Perhaps we were just very melee heavy, I think 90% of our DPS consisted of rogues, fury warriors, and enhancement shammies. But I dunno if that would matter or not… ’tis just my guess.

I sort of worried that maybe I had been doing something wrong, but the two guildies who had gone with me reassured me afterwards that it most certainly had not been my fault and that I’d been doing everything right; it was just a bad night. /sigh of relief

There had been one other hunter there, an epic’d-out guy who from what I could observe had a very solid spec and rotation. He was very nice to me the whole time, whispering me about who would be in charge of Hunter-Marking since we both had 5/5 Improved (I ended up getting to be in charge!) and afterwards he personally thanked me for coming. I was glad to have made a new huntery friend and I mentioned this in guild chat. Someone replied “Oh yeah, him. He had a lot of very nice things to say about you. He was really impressed.”


I hope that means they keep me in mind next time they’re short a DPS. Cause it was a fun lil’ raid.