All posts by Pike

Roleplay & Character Choices – Combining my Comments into a Post

I’ve seen a lot of blog posts around lately that seem to be hitting on sort of the same note; that is to say, the idea of playing a gender different than your own (the subject may or may not involve roleplaying).

I’ve been responding to a lot of these posts and I noticed that a lot of my responses were coming out pretty much the same so I figured I would turn it into a full-fledged blog post.

On Roleplaying: Roleplaying and things related to roleplaying (coming up with new characters, giving them stories and backgrounds, imaging their life in Azeroth, etc.) is pretty much 90% of what draws me to WoW. The other 10% or so is the mechanics of playing my hunter. And I’m sure you all know how much I love playing my hunter, so you can definitely see just how important roleplaying is to me. That’s just my personality and how I am– I like imagining things. I definitely understand why roleplaying isn’t everyone’s thing, in fact, I don’t think it’s most people’s thing. But, it is my thing. It is a huge, huge part of what makes WoW interesting to me. (Yes, I’m a geek, I know. =D) If you were to take away Tawyn, Night Elf Hunter who I’ve invented this huge story for… and replace her with an equally-leveled but different character that I did not invent, it would be very, very hard for me to keep playing the game.

And where is this leading to?


On Playing as a Character That is the Opposite Gender:

For a long time, I’ve been just a little confused on why so many people play as the opposite gender. It wasn’t that I had a problem with it, it was just hard for me to understand why someone would play as a character that they couldn’t identify with on that base level. Yes, you could make the argument that the opposite gender looks more attractive to you, but for me that wasn’t nearly as important as being able to play as a character that you could really identify with. (And I say this as a very, very tomboyish female. My characters are tomboys, but they are still female. Like me.)

And then, thanks largely to an excellent article at Big Bear Butt Blogger, it hit me. I’m looking at the game a lot differently than most people are.

That is to say, I am a roleplayer and a daydreamer and I imagine my characters as extensions of myself, and… avatars of myself in a parallel universe, so to speak.

The majority of you guys, I imagine, are a bit more normal than me, heehee =P And you play the game as just a game, or as a movie. Big Bear Butt said that he liked playing female characters because he likes watching female characters kick butt, like in a movie or TV show, for example. It has nothing to do with creating a character that is an expression of yourself. And that’s a very normal thing, and it makes a lot of sense. I had just sort of forgotten that, and assumed that everybody was like me and into the whole roleplaying thing.

So, thanks Big Bear Butt for hitting me back into reality for a few minutes and helping me understand a lot of my fellow WoW players better. I’ll try not to dig myself so deep into the RP-hole next time. (Even if it is a lot of fun down here!)

P.S. A lot of roleplayers actually play the opposite gender too… because good character ideas are not limited by gender. So it’s not a roleplayer thing, I think, so much as it’s a “Pike” thing. =P

The People of WoW

One of the neat things about our guild is that it has a very large number of people that are in their 50s and 60s, level-wise. These are all people who are either playing for the first time, like myself, or have largely abandoned previous high-level characters and are now leveling alts almost exclusively. It’s quite handy because you almost always have some people to quest with or run instances with, and I’m excited because so many of us are coming up on 70 now so it’s like we’re already going to be pretty much set for doing all those big 70 instances that are coming up (including our little guild’s pipe dream… it starts with a K and ends with an -arazhan.)

The other day, our guild’s current main tank, a 64 prot warrior who is fantastic to work with, whispered me and told me that I had to meet him in Blasted Lands, and that it was urgent. I was mystified, but quite intrigued, and hightailed it out of Nagrand and back to the old world so I could meet him there. Once we met up, he had me unequip my bow and quiver, toss all my arrows, and then he opened trade and gave me a present: [The Gunblade], complete with a +10 damage scope, a 16-slot ammo pouch and the bullets to go with it. It turns out he and my boyfriend had both pooled their extra gold and bought this present just for me. I was informed in a sort of semi-roleplaying-fashion (I love RP servers) that the gift was a thank-you to me for providing quality DPS and CC in instances, and in general “being good at your class”.

Then… you know those guys in Blasted Lands whose HP falls down to about 1% and then they don’t die? Yeah, best guys to grind your weapon skill on ever (because I’ve actually never used a gun before, even though I had the skill trained).

Anyways, the reason that I’m sharing this story isn’t just to show off my new weapon (even though it is very shiny), but because it really showed me that even though WoW “is just a game”… it also “isn’t just a game”. The reason it isn’t just a game is because of the people that you meet. These are people that you might not have met otherwise if you hadn’t played the game, and yes they might be people that you never do get to meet in person. But just because you don’t get to see them in person, doesn’t mean that they are any less important or any less capable of doing kind deeds or being good friends. I was really touched by the present that I got and what it meant, and I hope that I, too, can perform similar acts of kindness and gratitude to the people that I hang out with in-game.

I’ve met a lot of great people in this game and I can’t wait to meet others. And that’s my little feel-good story of the day. ^^

Five Things Gaming Has Taught Me

I’ve been tagged by Girl Meets WoW:

Five Things Video Gaming Has Taught Me:

1. Supply and demand. Thank you, online game economies!
2. Playing the same games as your friends and family members can be both very fun and somewhat difficult, at the same time. (I actually feel a full-fledged post coming on about this.) And when playing online games with friends not having a fast internet connection can really make you rage. So better click here to see how you can avail of a high-speed internet connection. A gaming wifi extender is now also essential if you’re an online gamer. 
3. We humans have a surprising ability to memorize a large amount of information which we feel to be important, regardless of whether it will be useful later down the road or not. I could probably still name all 151 original Pokemon and tell you their strengths and weaknesses if I sat down and tried. Gaming also taught me the importance of great sound design in video games. A gaming headset also offers superior, crisp, and clear sound over traditional speakers, which is essential to really enjoy your gaming experience. You can visit sites like to find the right gaming headset for you.
4. The Super Nintendo is still the best video game system of all time.
5. There is a real person behind each of those characters in online games. Treat them accordingly (even if they don’t always treat you as such).

I could probably continue the list pretty easily; I once wrote up an essay (and posted it on my personal-life journal, actually) about how video games have effected me and helped shape me into the person I am today– geeky but true. I might have to repost that here sometime. I actually have a lot of ideas for future posts; I must apologize for not writing so much recently, but I’ve come down with a horrible cold and it’s got me rather “out of it”.

source nhà cái

Tawyn is now halfway through level 66. She has been doing a lot of instance-running and that has really been bringing in the XP, so I’ve been leveling pretty quickly. It’s hard to believe I’m getting this close to level 70. I’ve been loving all this stuff I’ve learned in the past few levels… first Steady Shot, then Aspect of the Viper, then Kill Command… it’s changing my playstyle (for the better!), making my character even deeper to play and requiring more concentration, and it’s making me feel like a “Real Hunter”. People weren’t kidding, the game really does change once you hit Outlands.

So exciting. ^_^

Bad Hunter, Good Hunter

Some of my adventures around Azeroth…

Bad Hunter:

-I jumped off a high ledge in Dire Maul. Guess who I forgot to dismiss? Mmyep. About three minutes later, in the middle of discussing strategy, my pet comes running up followed by basically every single mob in the instance. Admittedly those last two seconds before we died were pretty funny (I’ve never seen that many mobs), and the group I was with was very forgiving and reminded me that it was sort of a hunter rite-of-passage… but I still was pretty embarrassed.

-I helped out a group in Scholo so one of the group members could get his pally mount, and another could progress in her warlock mount chain. Not too long into the instance I made a terrible mistake, clicked on the wrong mob, and without noticing, hit my “Hunter’s Mark/Pet Attack” macro key. This proceeded to pull basically the entire room. We managed to survive somehow, but I was beating myself up for it and making it worse was the fact that the PuG-members of the group assumed I was a huntard and started telling me to dismiss my pet. I apologized, told them it was my fault and not the pet’s, and that it wouldn’t happen again and that my pet was staying out whether they liked it or not. I’m hoping they noticed that my pet was very well-controlled for the rest of the instance and that I topped the damage meters pretty squarely. Normally I don’t like to flaunt the DPS meters but I really wanted to prove to them that I actually was competent and had just made a bad mistake. (And no I didn’t actually post the damage meters, but I’m hoping they noticed =P)

Good Hunter:

-This story takes place during another Scholo run (I help lower-level guildies in lower-level instances a lot). We were doing one of the boss rooms, the pull hadn’t turned out as we’d liked, and to make a long story short the entire room was on top of us.

It was pretty obvious that a wipe was imminent as I watched the group members fall one by one, so I took out as many mobs as I could before I was alone and overwhelmed. I ran out of the room, put my pet on defensive instead of passive (so he at least wouldn’t go down without a fight) and feigned death.

Poor Locke, I thought, I’m going to be sitting here playing dead while he dies…

But wait, what’s this?

Hey, Locke is doing pretty good against those three mobs (one of which was an elite) that are on him. He wouldn’t live without heals and help, but still…

I got up, bandaged up, popped Mend Pet, took out one of the mobs, trapped another, and then proceeded to solo the 60 elite.

So there we were, my pet and I standing triumphant in the face of what was otherwise a wipe. It was here that I noticed party chat was filled with people saying things like “Okay, wait for the mobs to be reset… whoa, what the heck, Tawyn’s not dead yet?” “Tawyn’s still not dead?”

And then I said “Hey guys, I killed an elite for ya”, not really thinking much of it, but then party chat proceeded to say “…um, Tawyn killed the boss.”

…I did?

Apparently I did!

He was a few levels lower than me yes. But he was an elite, and he had buddies with him, and I took him down.

And that made me feel really awesome.

-I defeated an equal-level marks-spec’d hunter in a duel. I still had about half of my hit points left by the end of it, too. Looking back on it I can think of some things he did wrong, for example, not sending his pet in to attack me (granted I would have trapped it anyway, but it’s the principle of the thing, ya know?) But it’s funny because I always had this notion in my head that marks-hunters did a lot better in duels. So this was another one of those “feel-good” moments.

The Morals of the Stories:

– Dismiss your pet before you jump off a ledge.

– Be absolutely sure you know who you are targeting before you send your pet in.

– Don’t assume you’ve lost when you’re staring in the face of an instance wipe or a duel against a differently-spec’d hunter. You never know when things will conspire to give you the edge you need.

Oh, and lastly…

– Don’t tell a good hunter what to do with their pet. Suggestions, okay. But “I hate your pet, please dismiss him”… no. Not a good idea. We have a thing called Huntery Pride and it comes out in full-force sometimes, and you probably don’t want to mess with it. *nods*

Good Instance Runs: Chicken Soup for the WoW-playing Soul

I have to admit I don’t do a lot of instances. It’s not because I don’t want to do them, so much as because I often don’t have the time for them. I tend to be the busiest or the most likely to frequently AFK during the prime instance-running hours: the evening. So oftentimes I opt out of doing instances because I don’t want to bother the others with any potential frequent BRBs.

Today, however, was Thanksgiving, so I had a lot of wonderful uninterrupted spare time. (And don’t worry, I spent a lot of time with my family as well! =P My mom is a great cook.)

So, I ran Hellfire Ramparts. Twice. The group consisted of guildies and friends, mostly at level 60 (though I was at level 64), and included a warrior tank, a tree druid healer, a feral druid, and two BM hunters.

And I had an absolutely fantastic time, both times. The warrior had never done much tanking before and was very nervous about the whole thing, but he wound up doing a very impressive job. The healer was a great healer. The feral druid was one dangerous kitty. The other hunter was one of the best hunters I have worked with so far, and I’d like to think that I’m not too shabby either.

My job was DPS + CC, and it was one of the first times that I was really asked to provide consistent CC throughout the duration of a dungeon rather than just a few times. The other hunter and I actually played off of each other really well here; sometimes my trap would be resisted and she would be right there with a backup trap, or vice-versa. But what I really felt proud about were the times I had to chain trap. Sure, I’d practiced with the raptors in Arathi a la BRK, but here I was being asked to do it in a much more crucial setting. I guess I shouldn’t have worried because I seemed to do pretty good job, and that culminated in my sudden development of a severe case of “I’m-turning-into-a-real-hunter-itis”, a horrible disease that causes one to gesture frantically at the screen and tell one’s significant other “I’m chain trapping! I’M CHAIN TRAPPING! Are you watching??”


I also got to pull, at the warrior’s request. Oh, and the healer healed my pet whenever he was offtanking (or saving the healer). Both these people actually have level 70 hunters already so that may have helped.

Overall it was a fantastic experience. I feel like I learned a lot, and it felt really good to exit the instance knowing we’d done so well and handled the problems we’d came across. I got myself some new gear, and then because I was feeling particularly giddy I threw down a bunch of gold on an agility enchant for my polearm. At level 64, my agility is now over 400 and my crit chance is now over 15%, and I am one happy little hunterling.

I’m going to start trying to do more instances.

Happy Thanksgiving to those of you in the States!

I couldn't help myself.

I got my tauren hunter to level 29 today, and as is the typical case with me when I get to the end of a “bracket”, I’m taking some time out to go play in the battlegrounds.

So there I was, guarding Blacksmith by myself in Arathi Basin, feeling a bit awkward about not having Flare or other helpful higher-level skills and dreaming of the trinket I’m saving up honor for. We’re winning this particular game and it’s nearing the end, but I’ve still got a freezing trap sitting at the flag waiting for anybody who wanted to try something at the last minute.

Suddenly I heard a familiar noise. I turned around and, what do you know, a rogue is caught in my trap.

Now I try to be a friendly person and honorable fighter in PvP, and throughout the whole game, really. I thank players for their heals or buffs and in general I think I’m a pretty nice person.

But at this point all I could do was be amused at the hapless rogue as my mind cycled back through all the dozens of times I’ve fallen prey to the stealthed hand of this particular class…

/target rogue

And then I sic’d my kitty on her and she went down like a fly, and it felt pretty darn good.

Dear rogue, wherever you are… I’m sorry for laughing at you when you were stuck in my trap. But you have to realize how funny it looked and how nice it felt to be the one catching you by surprise for once. I was laughing with you, not at you. I promise. ^^

My tauren also tamed a new pet today; the windserpent Arikara. He apparently makes quite an entrance when you summon him. And I’ve never had a windserpent before, so it’ll be fun to try him out. I named him Ivan to go with the kitty Alyosha, and yes the third pet is going to be Dmitri. Cookie for anybody who gets the reference to my favorite book. *cough* =D

Desktops & Blogs

This is a screenshot I took today of my current computer desktop:

The wallpaper was made by the extraordinarily talented artists over at The Bronze Kettle, which is a very good WoW blog that I would recommend looking into if you haven’t already.

Speaking of blogs, I’ve finally updated my sidebar’s blogroll; in fact, thanks to Google Reader and some code, it should actually self-update now every time I find a new blog to read. (Thanks to Mania for originally pointing out that you could do this!)

My blogroll has gotten very big in such a short amount of time, if it gets much bigger I might have to make a dedicated “page” for it. But I like having all the links on the blog itself.

Ding 63 and I got my [Survivalist’s Pike]! It even has my nickname in it, so you know it’s gotta be a good weapon. =P

Ten Random Thoughts

I sort of have a lot to talk about, but most of them aren’t things I want to make full-blown posts about. However, here is a random sampling of what has been on my mind and in my WoW lately:

1. The Dead Zone is gone and I still unconsciously back up to “get range” even if I don’t have to. I can’t help myself. It’s months and months of hunter training that I don’t know if I can undo. Heehee.

2. The Hellfire Peninsula music really has a very Holst-like feel to it. It feels right out of the Planets Suite to me. It makes me wonder if that’s where the game’s composers got some inspiration, or if I’m just being a geek. My money is on the latter.

3. I got my Epic Mount!

4. What’s with all the shaman-inspired Outlands gear? I keep finding myself choosing the leather rogue quest rewards over the mail shammy ones. Yes, my armor is taking a bit of a hit, and yeah I like Intellect, but come on… if you give me a choice between a +30 agi, +30 stam, +attack power leather piece, and a +12 agi +12 stam +12 int +magical damage/healing mail piece… I’m gonna take the former. I’ve heard other people say that shamans have an unusually high amount of Outlands stuff, but wow, I had no idea they were this prevalent.

5. I have been challenged! Namely, my guild has put forth a bit of a friendly challenge for those among us who are in our early-60s: to get to 70 by Christmas. A few people have even taken it farther and have a 100g bet on the line for whoever gets there first. I’ve agreed to participate in the challenge but at the same time, I don’t want that to be the sole reason I’m leveling. I’m playing the game for fun, afterall, not to see if I can beat my guildies to 70. So I’m going to maybe kick up my leveling just a notch, and then not worry about it after that. I’ll get to 70 when I get there.

6. Speaking of my guild, I really like it a lot. When I first started this blog we were this tiny little guild of about 20 people; somehow we seem to have exploded recently to nearly 100 characters and almost as many accounts. Some people have their tiffs, as you will see in all guilds, but other than that our guild is full of friendly and intelligent people who willingly donate money to others’ mount funds and run newbies through instances on a daily basis– seriously, we seem to have an abnormal number of high-level members who love running lowbie instances. It’s kinda funny really… watching the guild’s higher-levels all scrambling to be the chosen one who gets to help someone through Deadmines, which once culminated in a Grand Deadmines Race which involved people pairing off and seeing who could run through the fastest. Yes, I do love my guild.

7. I have transferred my tauren hunter to a new realm: The Venture Co. It’s an RP-PvP realm. See, I know I often mention how I find PvP realms to be irritating because of all the ganking that goes on. However, I recently got this little dream in my head of being able to say I’ve leveled to 70 on a PvP server, and being able to experience that and broaden my knowledge that way. But being on a regular PvP server, I really missed the RP, so I’ve compromised and moved to an RP-PvP server. I’m really happy with my new server so far, though admittedly I’ve only just transferred– but it makes me so dorkily giddy to see real roleplay going on, and it’s already made my little tauren about ten times more fun to play.

8. Right after the transfer took place and I hopped onto my tauren alt, I noticed something unusual… track humanoids not only shows humanoids on the minimap, but beasts as well! Has anyone else experienced that? I sent a ticket into Blizzard and a GM had me do the whole “disable-all-your-addons” dance, but it didn’t change anything so I have been informed that it’s being looked into as a bug. In the meantime… it’s, um, very handy for contested zones, so it’s staying up… *hangs head guiltily*

9. My main is now a Scryer. Aldors had a decent ring, but Scryers had an alchemy recipe, and I’m a bit OCD when it comes to my professions. Gotta catch ’em all!

10. I’d completely forgotten how difficult it is to keep two pets leveled up with you simultaneously, especially since I seem to be perpetually rested these days so I’m always getting double XP while my pets aren’t. I fear I may have to soon make a decision and have one pet stay with me to 70 and then come back and grind the other one later. On the other hand, at least leveling a pet that is 7 or 8 levels lower than you shouldn’t be quite as bad as leveling one that is several dozen levels lower than you… hopefully that’s the case, anyway.

*glances over list*

Hmm. I think I write too much.

A Newbie's Guide to Battlegrounds: Part 2

Thank you all for the kind comments on my last post. Here’s the conclusion (for now) to the “Newbie’s Guide to Battlegrounds” series!:

(Edit: Matticus has reminded me that patch 2.3 brought some changes to AV. For example, you can now win the game through objectives other than killing the boss. I have yet to play the “new” AV but I will see if I can play some games soon and I’ll report any major changes. In the meantime, I think that most of my basic guide still stands (except for the part about pulling at the end) and will hopefully be a little helpful to people.)

Alterac Valley
The Basics: This is probably the most complicated to learn and master of all the battlegrounds, and it’s hard to condense the point of it into one sentence. Basically you and the other faction start out on opposite ends of a very, very large battleground. Your goal is to get to the other end and kill their leader, which is a very powerful elite NPC. And their goal is to come to your side and kill your leader. Along the way you’ll have to deal with a lot of NPCs that want to kill you, not to mention the other players themselves. It’s sort of like a big game of chess, only more chaotic.

There are also quite a few other objectives for you to capture or accomplish along the way, which may or may not be skipped. Some of these objectives are more important than others, though– graveyards, for example. The more graveyards your faction has, the more places you will be able to rez at and the sooner you’ll be able to get back into the fight, which will give you a significant edge. In general you will want to have graveyards close to where your offensive team is currently.

General Strategies: It’s hard to discuss general strategies for AV because it’s so big and “deep”. But there are certain things that seem to be “givens” in the typical game. The Horde is going to take Stonehearth Graveyard, and the Alliance is going to take Iceblood. After that, the Horde takes Stormpike, and the Alliance takes Frostwolf. Finally, in the final stretch, Horde takes Stormpike Aid Station, and Alliance takes Frostwolf Relief Hut. People wanting a really fast game and wanting to beat the other faction speed-wise may prefer to skip Stonehearth/Iceblood all together and go straight for Stormpike/Frostwolf. People who are more interested in farming honor will go slower, taking everything along the way and stopping to kill Captains Stonehearth or Galv.

A typical strategy is to “let” the other team capture one of the graveyeards (generally Stonehearth/Iceblood) so they don’t start rez’ing way back where they started and make life hard for your offensive team.

For the most part what you will probably want to do here is just follow your offensive team around, especially if you aren’t sure of what you’re doing. After a while, you’ll start to learn your way around. I find it best to keep the mini-map up in the bottom corner of my screen on this one, just so you can see where you are and where everybody else is.

Basically, in a nutshell, what you are probably going to be doing is following the offense from graveyard to graveyard, capturing these graveyards along the way and eventually getting to the boss at the end.

Defense is very important for graveyards. Capturing graveyards is just like capturing the flag in Arathi Basin– you click on it and wait for it to change colors. However, it takes a much longer time. While you’re waiting for the graveyard to cap, it’s a very good idea to stick around with at least one other person and provide some defense. I find myself “stuck on defense” a lot because nobody likes to defend, everybody likes to go kill stuff on offense. But it’s still very important. If you’re defending a graveyard do the same strategy you do elsewhere when you’re defending– tracking, flare, traps. Do take note that you will probably see members of the opposing faction rushing by you on occasion; often they don’t want to stop and fight you, but want to catch up with their offense. In that case, use your judgment on whether you want to attack them or not, and keep in mind that they might be trying to distract you to get a stealthie in.

Once the graveyard caps, a bunch of friendly NPCs will show up who will guard your graveyard for you. Generally that means you can go run and catch up to the offense now. You can also keep defending the graveyard if you like, but the NPCs will usually do an okay job of defending and, most of the time, will at least keep the graveyard safe until your team caps the next one.

Eventually, after taking a few graveyards, you’re going to get to the big “bad guy” at the end. It’s important to take the graveyard that is there– either Frostwolf Relief Hut, or Stormpike Aid Station, depending on if you’re Alliance or Horde. Because the boss is probably going to kill everybody and the trick is to rez at that graveyard that is right there and run back in and keep attacking him, while people are still on him.

Don’t go in the building right away, wait for a decent offensive team to have been built up and then let somebody else (someone usually volunteers, so I let them) pull out some of the NPCs that are in there with the boss. These NPCs can be very powerful and some of them have really vicious AoE attacks. (This is one of the parts where I often find my poor pet is dead; Avoidance Rank 2 helps immeasurably here, as does keeping a Mend Pet up if he’s fighting somebody really hard. Oh, and make sure he has growl off. If he pulls aggro and nobody else gives him heals, he’s probably a goner.)

Note: If you are Alliance, some of the NPCs here are elite wolves. You will often hear it repeated “DON’T LOOT THE DOGS!”, meaning the wolves. It is said that if you loot the wolves, they will respawn and you’ll have to fight them again. I have no idea if this is really true or not, since I’ve heard people say different things on this subject, but personally I like to err on the side of caution and leave the wolves alone. (You really shouldn’t be looting in the middle of the fight anyway, but I digress! =P)

Once all these NPCs and any defenders are taken care of (it might take a while and you might die a couple times– that’s expected, so don’t worry about it), and preferably once the relief hut/aid station is cap’d, somebody will usually give the call: “All in!” or a similar variant. This means it’s time to kill the boss. Now the most important part, once you are in the building trying to down the boss, is to not run out of the building, ever. If you run out of the building and the boss follows you out, he will reset to full health. So if he’s on you and your feign death cooldown is up, just let yourself die, you will rez nearby (hopefully your team has the closest graveyard!) and be able to run back into the fight really quickly.

The boss fight is just like the boss of a dungeon, you will need tanks and healers and DPS. So it’s very crucial that you have adequate tanks and healers here, because without them the DPS can’t happen, at least not very well. Keep in mind that this guy has really horrible AoE attacks (even worse than the previous NPCs) and your pet is probably going to die even if he doesn’t have aggro. Being a BM hunter, I typically use Beastial Wrath first thing so I can get that overwith before my pet falls and then I can’t use it anymore. After your pet dies just keep on DPS’ing as best you can. You will probably pull aggro at some point, since you’re a hunter and hunters are aggro magnets. 😉 In that case, run to the nearest tank and feign death; if it resists or your feign death is on cooldown, then as I mentioned before, stay where you are, take one f

or the team, rez with your pet and run back in.

Basically during this fight the goal is to whittle down his health bit by bit and keep at least some people on him at all times, because chances are a lot of people are going to be dying and making the run back in, and you don’t want him to “reset”, which he will do if he kills everybody. Also, often (but not always) by this time, the other team is also at your own boss so there’s sort of a rush to see who can down the boss first. With any luck, your team will be first, and you’ll have won your first AV!

Your Role as a Hunter
: If you find yourself on defense then once again you will be very prepared for it, just as you will be in other battlegrounds, thanks to your traps and tracking and flare. If you’re on offense then just use your Blizzard-given talents to DPS the enemy down. Preferably you should have growl turned off on your pet throughout most of this battleground but if you find yourself needing to take down an NPC (and the NPC isn’t too hard for you) then hit the growl button or use Intimidation and do like you would any other mob.

A lot of this battleground just has to do with huge battles– masses of Alliance and Horde just rushing at each other. If one side really has a numbers advantage then it will show, but otherwise it can really go either way. Put Hunters’ Mark on rogues, use Scare Beast on druids, Wing Clip warriors, and all in all just try to put all your hunter-abilities to good use.

If you see a big mass of the other team coming for you, stop and take a look around and make sure you aren’t alone. You don’t want it to be all of them vs. just you, or you and one or two other people. If you have no chance there’s no shame in backing up for a bit and waiting for the rest of your team. Putting yourself in the front lines is generally not a good idea, try to stay sort of back– you are a hunter, after all. If there are casters or other hunters standing on high ground, shoot them back, because you’re one of the few classes that can do so… save the poor melee’ers the work of having to climb up after them.

And that’s AV in a nutshell! There is a lot more to it actually; there are quests you can do in AV and there is a way to summon a big elemental to fight for your team, but if you are just starting out then you shouldn’t have to worry about those things for now; just get the basics down.

The rewards of doing Battlegrounds:
Doing battlegrounds will earn you both honor (for kills, etc.) as well as marks (for victories. A loss gets you one mark, and a win gets you three.) Honor and marks can be used to buy things in the Champion’s Hall or Hall of Legends, or outside of the battleground’s instance portal. Some of the things you can buy include PvP-oriented gear, epic mounts, and various other handy things such as the Insignia of the Alliance/Horde, a trinket which you can pop to get you out of Fear, Frost Nova, or anything else that hinders your movement. Most of the stuff is for level 70s, but you can find great things if you are a lower-level character as well.

Finally, doing a lot of PvP will make you a better player, in my opinion. You will learn how to be more effective with your class in certain situations that you wouldn’t come across in PvE, and you will quicken your reflexes as well. PvP and battlegrounds are a very different game than just PvE, and it can be very fun aside from teaching you more about the game.

And I think that just about does it for my Battlegrounds guides for now! I have yet to play the fourth and (for now) final battleground, Eye of the Storm, but once I start playing that one I shall return with a Part 3 of my guide. These guides were obviously not meant to be an authority on battlegrounds and you really have to do a lot of playing to learn. But I hope that they at least have given beginners a good idea on how to start and what to do, so they aren’t completely lost when they enter the battlegrounds for the first time, as I was.

So until next time, get out there and do some battlegrounds, soldier! =D /salute

And as always… questions, comments? Lemme know and I’ll do the best I can to answer them!

(Back to Part 1)

A Newbie's Guide to Battlegrounds: Part 1

At the request of one of my readers who wanted to know some basics on battlegrounds, here is the first part of what I hope to be a couple of posts on this subject. I certainly make no claims to be a battlegrounds expert by any means, but I’ve played quite a few and I put together a guide that I sort of wish I’d had when I was starting out.

Warsong Gulch:
The Basics: Capture-the-flag. Horde and Alliance each have a base, and you have to run into the enemy’s base, grab their flag, and bring it back to your own (with your own flag still intact.) Capture the flag three times to win a match.

General Strategies: This varies. Different people have different ideas. Some people like to leave a couple people on defense, others like to group up and rush en masse to the other base. After you have played the game a bit, you will sort of get an idea for what types of things are common, where the typical hiding places are, that sort of thing. Stealthed classes, for example, like to hang out in your base and capture your flag when you least expect it (like five seconds after the flag has been returned to your base). Ranged classes or casters will get onto the roof and shoot you; fortunately we hunters can usually shoot back. *grin*

Your Role as a Hunter: Again, this will vary. But I think that hunters make very good members of the defensive team. You have freezing traps to lay down in front of the flag (if you’re Alliance, the blue trap sort of blends in with the blue flag, so it works out awesomely), you have Track Humanoids so you can see who’s coming and announce it to the team, and you have Concussive Shot and Wing Clip to slow the enemy down. You also have Hunter’s Mark, which you can pop onto whoever has your flag, so your entire team can see that person on the minimap. If you are a night elf, you can hide your pet in the corner behind a wall (or have him use prowl), and then shadowmeld yourself, so you can catch any intruders by surprise.

Hunters also make good offense and are good flag-capturers, largely in part to Aspect of the Cheetah, since when you have the flag you cannot mount. Aspect of the Beast can also be useful so their own hunters (and druids) won’t see you coming! Again, crowd control really shines here (it’s good for essentially this whole battleground), if you’re being chased just throw down a freezing or frost trap or fire off a Concussive Shot, then turn on Aspect of the Cheetah and make a break for your base. Keep Track Humanoids/Track Hidden on (pesky rogues!) so you don’t inadvertently run into any members of the opposing faction on your way there.

My honest opinion is that druids often make the best flag-runners, as they can stealth in and then travel-form out. They can also heal if they have to. But really, anybody can do it, and hunters are very capable of it.

Capturing the Flag!: To capture the flag you run right up to your own flag and it “caps” automatically. Do remember that if your own flag is AWOL, you can’t capture the enemy one. In that case your best bet is to find a spot to hide, hopefully with some people guarding you, while the rest of your team goes out and tries to hunt down your flag.

No matter what you are doing, as a hunter, be sure that you are aware of your surroundings and that you are able to broadcast these to the team. If you are on defense, use Flare a lot to check for rogues. If you look on your minimap and see people coming to the base, announce it: “[number of people] inc”, (where “inc” stands for “incoming”), or something along those lines. If you see the flag carrier on your minimap, click on them so it will do that little circle thing that shows the other people in your party where they are.

Arathi Basin:
The Basics: King of the Hill. There are five areas on the field for you to capture (they are captured by clicking on a flag, and waiting a bit for it to change colors). If you capture one, your faction starts earning resources. The more you have captured, the faster you earn resources (and if you manage to capture all five, you earn resources at a ridiculous rate and you’ve pretty much won.) The first faction to 2000 resources wins.

General Strategies: Again, like Warsong Gulch, there are people who like to group up and steamroll all the flags one at a time. Typically I think it’s best to leave a few people at each flag for defense.

If you get into this battleground for the first or second time and don’t know what’s going on, defense is almost always appreciated. Plant yourself down by a flag, preferably with a teammate or two, rotate between Track Humanoids, Track Hidden, and Track Beasts (for those druids), pop a Flare every so often, and be on the lookout for the other team.

Your Role as a Hunter: As with Warsong Gulch, hunters will be good for defense for all the same reasons. Although in this battleground, I think it’s less about slowing the enemy down as it is about actually fighting them and beating them. The other team will try and capture your flag that you’re guarding, but because it’s a static flag– it doesn’t move– they can capture it, and then if you manage to kill them afterwards, you can recapture it very quickly. So there’s not the whole run-in-run-out thing that goes on with WSG.

You will be good for offense because you can shoot people from far away. It’s what we’re for, afterall! =P Eagle Eye is another great tool here, if you’re at some high ground and want to see if, say, there are people at Blacksmith (the middle area of the map), use Eagle Eye on it and then report to your team what you see.

General PvP: The lower level battlegrounds… the 10-19 bracket and the 20-29 bracket, in particular… will be full of twinks, or players who spend hundreds of gold to deck themselves out in the best possible gear for their bracket. If the other team has a lot of twinks and you are just wearing normal questing gear, be prepared to spend a lot of time in the graveyard, waiting to rez. I’m not saying you’ll be 100% useless against a twink, but… you won’t have an easy time.

A really good healer can often make or break the game. I always, always try to compliment good healers when they show up, because they seem to be rare and I want them to know that their skills are appreciated.

Stamina is good. Honestly I don’t have dedicated PvP gear (not right now, anyway), but if you want to get some, be sure it has lots of stamina. You will live longer, and thus do damage for a longer amount of time.

Spec is a matter of personal preference. Marks/Surv seems to be the perennial PvP favorite, and for good reason; there are all sorts of helpful PvP talents in those trees. Furthermore, if your pet dies (this seems to happen the most often in AV) you can still do a lot of damage. But a really good BM hunter is a truly frightening and awe-inspiring sight, and as my brother is fond of saying, “There’s nothing scarier in battlegrounds than a Beast Mastery hunter.” I have seen BM hunters just devour the rest of the field like nobody’s business. However, it’s a lot harder to be BM in PvP than it is in PvE, because you have to spend a lot of time watching your pet and keeping it alive. Anyways, I think a lot of dedicated PvPers choose to spec MM/SV instead, and that can be a very deadly combo.

What you do with your pet is another matter of personal preference, personally I like to keep my pet on passive in battlegrounds (most of the time) because he has a tendency to disappear otherwise– chasing somebody across the field.

While we’re on

the subject of pets– in battlegrounds, if your pet dies and you die later, you will both be rez’d together at the graveyard, with your pet at full happiness. Use your judgment on whether you want to self-rez your pet yourself, or wait until the next time you die. I find myself self-rez’ing my pet more often in AV, which I didn’t discuss in this particular post– a lot of times your “lifespan” is a lot shorter in the other battlegrounds.

Alright, that does it for now! I have begun writing my Alterac Valley guide but as it’s the “deepest” of the battlegrounds so far, it’s certainly shaping up to be a very long article, so I’m going to post it separately.

These guides are not supposed to be all-inclusive but hopefully they have just provided a brief overview to BG newcomers about what to expect and what they can do to help out their team. Enjoy, and I’ll see you next time for our next installment!

(On to Part 2)