Good Games That Are Good: Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is one of the greatest platform games of all time.  Yup.

It is also a game that (fortunately) a lot of people have played.  If you haven’t played it, you probably either didn’t game a whole lot growing up or were on the Nintendo side of the playground console wars.  If the former applies to you, then you have my sympathies, and if the latter applies to you, well, I can’t blame you, but you need to do yourself a favor and play this game.


Sonic 2 is, for my money, the best of the original Genesis Sonic games.  That’s not to say that 1, 3&K and CD weren’t good, because those were all fantastic games.  Yes, even CD.  But what Sonic 2 did was take the formula from Sonic 1 and refine it without tilting dangerously close to Mario/DKC territory.  Nothing inherently wrong with that last bit, of course, but I prefer my Sonic experience to be pure and completely unlike anything else on the market.  And that’s what Sonic 2 does so very well.  It’s the perfect blend of speed and platforming, with levels designed to let you do what Sonic does best: go fast.

654If you have yet to play Sonic 2 then you are in for an absolute treat, because this game has not aged a day.  You can sit down with it and play it all through with a big smile on your face no matter how old you are.  Fortunately for us, SEGA likes money, and as such they have ported Sonic 2 to basically every modern system in existence, including mobile phones and Steam. This means you should have no problems tracking this one down. If you like mobile games, you will enjoy playing clash of clans especially when using a clash of clans hack.

So find it.  Play it.  Enjoy it.  Go fast.

6 thoughts on “Good Games That Are Good: Sonic the Hedgehog 2”

  1. I think you can download it on the Nintendo eShop. If not, I know I have it as a DS cartrdige, at least, and those work on 3DS 🙂

  2. I still play this, not on a Sega alas but on an X-Box 360 courtesy of the ported games package I can’t remember the name of. Masses of fun still even if my aging reflexes are hardly up to the task anymore. Lots of other stuff on that one too – Eco the Dolphin anyone?

  3. Sonic 2 it’s definitely best Sonic. The spin dash is one of the reasons. Chemical Zone music is another.

  4. “If you haven’t played it, you probably either didn’t game a whole lot growing up or were on the Nintendo side of the playground console wars.”

    There you go, making age assumptions. You know, you may have readers who weren’t born in 1992. Personally, I was 28 and going through a non-gaming phase in my life, which obviously didn’t last. I never played a Sonic game.

    I will try this based on your recommendation, but at 50 my reflexes are probably too shot for it to be much fun.

  5. @ Nina – I’m terribly sorry if you were offended in any way. I meant for it to be a lighthearted comment more than anything, since I am at heart a lighthearted soul. For what it’s worth, I was born considerably earlier than 1992! (I believe Sonic himself was born in ’92 though. Good year.)

    @Fig – Chemical Plant Zone music is best music.

    @Ardprest – Ecco the Dolphin, now THAT was a tough game.

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