Onward Ever Onward

Tawyn dinged 75 last night. I actually am about 25% through that level already, in no small part because I tagged along with Mr. Pike who has this knack for being able to glance at his quest log and instantly know where to go and what to do and in what order (don’t deny it, hon). So I was able to finish several quests in the space of about an hour that it would have taken me all day to do otherwise.

Have I mentioned lately that I stink at leveling? I have? Ah, never mind then. The ironic thing is that it’s probably my favorite part of the game, really.

Speaking of Mr. Pike, he’s trying to level his enchanting, so this means I get to be the lucky test subject on all his free or near-free enchants. Super Stats on chest? Yes please. +16 agi on cloak? Yes please. +38 AP to bracers? Mmm, right here baby. Icewalker on my shiny new blue boots, because their lack of hit rating makes baby Thrall cry so I need a hit enchant to appease him? Yes, very yes.

Toss my druid into the mix and it gets even better; Tamaryn is now toting around +50 Spell Power on her Hellfire Ramparts staff and +23 Spell Power on her Green-Bracers-of-the-Owl, all at the tender level of 61. I gotta say, leveling my druid is jawdroppingly easy; every few days I will hop over to her and announce “Resto druid LFG Ramps/BF/Slave Pens/Underbog”. I get a group invite within about ten seconds, and presto, 40 minutes later I’ve gotten about half a level and, satisfied, I can head back over to work on Tawyn. I’m pretty sure I’ve done a total of three actual quests since hitting level 58, the rest has all been pure instancing. It’s nice and easy and I like it. I even have people complimenting me on my healing, though we all know that’s just part of a hidden agenda to get less hunters and more healers in the LFG channel. =P

Coming up soon: a post on Master’s Call once I’ve had more time to play around with it. Hope you all have a nice weekend!

6 thoughts on “Onward Ever Onward”

  1. That’s pretty clever. While my level 61 Mage isn’t exactly in as high demand as a healer… I could probably grab her a few easy levels with all those Death Knights running around Outlands!

    I have yet to use Master’s Call, so I’d like to hear what you think of it. I know it’s there, but it’s one of those things I never think to use, not even sure if I’ve had a chance to use it yet!

  2. I am with Brajana on this one. I am 79 3/4 (actually I think I have about 15% left but close enough!) and have yet to use and/or find a use for Master’s Call. BUT, and this might be a big point here, I don’t PvP and it might be of more use there. If you find a use, please let us all know! Thanks! Oh….and keep the blogs coming!

    Gunsnbutter Excelsior/Uther

  3. I love leveling as well, that’s why I’m disheartened that I’m already 76! I was only max level for a month or two back in original wow with a rogue, but I didn’t really enjoy it. The rep grinds, the raiding(I despise it, I just don’t have the patient to wait around and slowly do it), etc. After I hit 80 with my hunter I’m probably going to have to roll another class.

  4. So far, the only things I’d use Master’s Call on, I haven’t been able to use Master’s Call on. *sigh*

    Wish it worked on Maexxna’s web wrap. /grumble

  5. My husband seems to have put talent points into that “glance at quest log, immediately know exactly where everything is, head straight to right spot” skill as well. It actually drives me crazy and makes questing with him more stressful since I try to do the same and just end up getting frazzled. I’m definitely much more of a solo player when it comes to new content. That way I can take my time reading the quest log, blunder around doubling back on my tracks over and over, and be suprised every time I end up in the right spot!

  6. I’m with Rilgon: The times I think to try and use it, it’s not applicable. To page 2 it goes, replaced on the always-available bars with Freezing Arrow, which is not AMAZING, but it works and has a clear usage.

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