Okay, okay

Dear People Who, a Few Years Ago, Kept Telling Me “Oh You’ll Start Playing WoW Someday” and Who I Subsequently Laughed At…

…you were right.


Note: We at Aspect of the Hare Incorporated would like to apologize for the lack of hunter-information posts lately. It is a little hard to write them these days when the game is still changing fairly substantially in every patch, and when all Pike has been doing these past few days is farming for minipets or running BRD/Stratholme with her druid or casually playing various other alts. We promise there will be a grand return of hunter-related information with the launch of Wrath of the Lich King this week. Cross my heart, hope to feign death.

8 thoughts on “Okay, okay”

  1. LOL I don’t think anyone would fault you for taking a nice break. Enjoy some solo adventures collecting lil’ pets! Low stress is good! That and you can focus teasing other hunters for the pet naming follies (read BRK). :p

    I’m working on gathering lots of supplies for leveling up skills once the expansion goes live. Lots o’ leather and enchanting mats. Go go gorilladin!

  2. I had the exact same line of thinking when it came to pay to play games for years. Now I spend more time on WoW a week than I do at work. /pathetic

  3. Hehe, its okay Pike. I remember standing behind my then fiance and just shaking my head. Crazy guy playing a cow with a pet and killing things… not much fun for me. Got married and look what happened… I know more now about the hunter class than he does. ^_^

    *reads Rilgon’s statement and scurries back to Nano draft* Jeez try and take a break for a few minutes and catch up on blogs…. eep! Going! I’m going!

  4. Same happened to my wife. She scoffed and laughed. Not one week went by and she was a crazed zombie in need of “more wow”. She still plays all the time.

    If youre gonna take a break, right before an expansion is the time to do it. Nothing really matters, and we will all have to catch up once we hit 80 anyway.

  5. I watched my husband play WoW for quite a while before he convinced me to play and before I started I was sure I wouldn’t like the game.

    Now? I am addicted, possibly more than him. >_>

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