Tag Archives: state of the hunter address

Hunter Without A Cause

I hope you’ll all excuse me and pardon our dust as I start this blog anew.  You see, I’m still trying to figure out exactly what I want to blog about.  Any of you long-time readers who were here in the early days (all four or five of you still reading) know that I used to pride myself on teaching what I called “Hunter Kindergarten” (for lower levels) and “Hunter 101” (for freshly dinged max level hunters).  This is because I loved sharing what I knew about the class with others, so they could enjoy playing it as much as I did.  Plus, then I’d feel set to recommend the graduating students head on to other hunter blogs that focused more on raiding.  (A moment of silence to The Hunter’s Mark, BRK, Stabilized Effort Scope, and all the others.)

Now it’s hard for me to feel that much of this is necessary anymore.  Many of the nuances of the class have been streamlined or changed to the point that I actually find it difficult to play a hunter wrong.  Oh sure, in the early days when your first ten levels were spent sans pet and you had a dagger or axe thrust in your hand, then you bet there were all sorts of bad habits I wanted to help new hunters grow out of.  But now there’s no minimum range, you only have a ranged weapon, and you’ve got a pet right from the start.  Similarly, there’s really no need to learn how to chain trap, due to how long traps last.  And modern shot rotations are, for the most part, simple and intuitive, especially compared to a few of the ones from back in the day.

So what is a Pike to do?

i-dont-know-smiley-emoticonA few people have expressed interest that I try writing about hunters anyway, because why not.  Perhaps I do bring a unique spin to things.  Maybe people would rather hear me talk than read a more “sanitized” Icy-Veins or WoWHead guide.  I have no idea why, but hey, who am I to argue with that idea?

TLDR: I’m still not 100% sure what I’m doing with the blog yet, so please bear with me.  And if there’s something you’d like me to write about, do let me know!  I’m desperate for ideas.