Category Archives: the huntard gm

"I, for one, welcome our new hunter overlord."

So, storytime.

My boyfriend and I started playing WoW at the same time, and when we were level 20 or so we figured we’d make a guild. So we did. We called it which sounds like a rather generic name, and it is, but it had special significance to us because we are both part of a tight-knight online community called Twilight of Heroes and we thought it would be fun to create a WoW guild for it.

Time went by, we got to level 45 or so, and our guild had maybe 20 people in it and most of those people were never on, and hardly anyone was from our original community. We were stuck with this tiny little guild with a less-than-exciting name. So… we disbanded it and made a new one. Or, specifically, the boyfriend did. We called it < Entelechy > after a philosophical concept of Aristotle. Because we liked the word and the meaning of it.

It’s almost a year later and has 201 members and has managed to establish itself as a dual roleplaying/entry-level raiding guild. Because of this, our membership runs the full spectrum from people who just want to see content and would never dream of roleplaying, to people who eschew stepping foot in a Heroic in favor of good quality RP. Most of us fall somewhere along the middle, either leaning towards one end or the other, or perhaps sitting squarely in the center, enjoying both equally. Yet somehow we all get along, respect each other, dork around on Ventrilo together, and have a good time.

In this regard, the guild is a resounding success, and the boyfriend has, I think, created a very amazing thing in it.

But times change, and he has been busy with school and with looking for work, and with working on various non-WoW creative endeavors (which I can only applaud him for), and he soon realized that he can no longer devote the time to the guild that it needs.

And so, he stepped down as guild leader.

Guess who the new one is:

Now I can tell a good story, and I’d like to think I can play a good hunter. But lead a good guild? I’m scared to death.

We’ll see how this goes.

At least I can safely say that the guild consists of friends who support me.

(Oh, and now’s as good a time as ever to say– that while in the past we have had some times where we have stopped active recruiting… Entelechy’s doors are open to anyone of any level and any activity level who feel like hanging out with a bunch of dorks uber cool people in Ventrilo and maybe doing some roleplaying and a Karazhan run or two. Just toss me a poke.)