A Super Cool Look at Early World of Warcraft Development

I’ve always been fascinated by things like concept art and early screenshots of my favorite games.  These provide a really neat and often rare glimpse under the hood – a look at the humble beginnings of worlds I’d later spend so much time in.

A couple of us on Twitter got a treat earlier when a Blizzard employee decided to share some fantastic behind-the-scene screenshots with us, and they absolutely 100% made my day.

These are just three selections I picked that I especially liked, but I highly recommend heading over to the Storify I made and checking out all of these. A huge thank you to Dave Wilson for sharing this stuff with us!

4 thoughts on “A Super Cool Look at Early World of Warcraft Development”

  1. @Grimmtooth – AWESOME 😀

    @Jaedia – I’d never seen any of these particular ones before. I love ’em.

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