You Know What This Whole Draenor Pathfinder/Flying Thing Reminds Me Of?

It reminds me of attunement.  Good old fashioned attunement.  Remember when that was a thing?  It looked like this:

WoWRaidsStuff was gated behind even more stuff and it took forever to get into anything you wanted to do.  I mean, it was kinda fun… in a masochistic sort of way… but yeah.  It all basically went away by the end of TBC.

But now we’ve got this thing, courtesy of Wowhead, which tells you how close you are to being attuned for flight.

flyingLook at all this.  It seriously reminds me of old-school attunement.  I ain’t even mad, just kind of… amused, I guess.  We really are bringing things back to ten years ago!

How close are you guys to getting your Draenor Pathfinder acahievement?