Regarding the Call Stabled Pet Bug

I recently received an e-mail from Xanth over at Out of Range. He informed me that there is apparently a nasty bug going around that is affecting Call Stabled Pet which can make the cooldown 25 days or something fun like that.

Fortunately, he also told me that there is a fix, and sent me this picture to post up here to make sure everyone knows:

The more you know! *shooting star*

In other news, I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, or whatever it is you celebrate! /nods

13 thoughts on “Regarding the Call Stabled Pet Bug”

  1. It is a royal pain. I’ve also noticed that anytime I switch specs my cooldown goes back to 25 days. Finding a battlemaster is about as convenient (even less maybe) as just finding a stable master, lol. So… I try and just think ahead, and only switch pets when I’m all by myself. And if I somehow forget, well, the group is stuck with who I’ve got. My bear doesn’t mind, as he’s felt very neglected since I hit 80.

  2. I ran across Skoll the other day, hopped on my hunter and saw that I had a 13d CD on my called stable pet…with no stable master in sight…and I wasn’t about to give up my “lifelong” friend, the green raptor Oy.

  3. Thanks much Pike! /hug

    I’ve ignored Call Stabled Pet since seeing what it’d take to fix this. Having played some end game at 70, I don’t think it’s that bad at all, really. Just means Cuddles the Devilsaur has to wait 2 weeks to begin leveling. 🙂

    It also means I have a wonderful excuse ready when pugs go “lol cat, get a wolf out”. <.<

  4. Yeah, thankfully mine hasn’t actually _reset_ since the first 25 day bug, so now it’s down to 13 days and maybe just maybe it will go away on 1/6.

    HA HA HA HO HO HO *sigh*

    Frustrating, especially when combined with soloing and LFG.

  5. After fixing it the first time I just stuck with my wasp and just figured- well he gives a good debuff, looks cool, and I think I actually enjoy the buzzing.

  6. Oh god, I pray whenever I’m soloing Chillmaw or other elites that my 15 minute queue doesn’t pop while I have my warpstalker out. The funny thing is, the ability worked just fine the first day or two after adding in the new LFG tool.

  7. My remote Stable bugged out on me after I had heard of the problem, so at least I knew it wasn’t just I that was having this problem.

    As a couple of the above posters have mentioned, it’s just as easy (if not easier) for me to just find a Stable Master as it is to find and Arena Master, especially if it’s just going to bug out again.

    So what I’ve been doing is I spend my hour or so doing my normal solo stuff, then I head back to Dalaran or Ironforge, hit up the Stable Master, and then Queue up for my Heroics.

    It’s been a good enough method so far, but I look forward to their fixing it.

    And a Merry Christmas/holiday of choice to you too, Pike, as well as to your reader base. 🙂

  8. Like Maevet said, fuck that. I’ll continue to harass a GM and force him to reset it every time it happens because I point-blank refuse to participate in lolrena.

  9. @ Everyone – So I have a horrible confession to make: I never use Call Stabled Pet. Ever. >.> I have Wash with me 95% of the time and when I don’t it’s a conscious decision (like dailies, walking around in cities, etc.) and I have plenty of time to visit the stable master. In fact, I wouldn’t have noticed this bug unless Xanth had e-mailed it to me, which he did!

  10. Heh, I rarely use it as well, usually only when I was using my BM spec for soloing. Since I’ve now gone dual MM (buffbot and lolgimmedps), i’m just waiting it out now. Only 230 more hours! 🙂 🙂

  11. When I first experienced this bug I just thought I was being punished for switching specs. Kind of a “f you!” to hunters for using dual specs to refresh the skill cooldown. “19 days?! that’s harsh :(“

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