Top Fifteen Screenshots I Found While Waiting for WoW to Reinstall

(I opted not to provide annotations for all of these, because I like how a lot of them look alone, without commentary. However, many of them do indeed have a story or two behind them, so feel free to ask about any that you are curious about…)

Attempting to two-man part of Molten Core with a “certain someone” in WotLK Beta…


Directly after a disaster Karazhan raid. We went a lil’ crazy.


garrius This was a few weeks before WotLK. Great guy with limited playtime; I did Scholo with him at least once.


wow_attackoftheblimps A good friend and I visually “duped” the paper zeppelins and they followed us wherever we went. Even if we flew. You can see them between the trees there, coming closer…


Probably my all-time favorite screenshot; me, my friends, and Dire Maul. This was my desktop wallpaper on my Windows partition for several months.

I’m currently re-installing WoW from scratch thanks to a complete computer overhaul and some WoW-folder-savings mishaps. I was feelin’ kinda burned out from the game lately, I won’t deny it, but sometimes, old screenshots do wonders to remind you why you play it… don’t you think?

18 thoughts on “Top Fifteen Screenshots I Found While Waiting for WoW to Reinstall”

  1. I love taking screenshots and going through them, myself. Actually.. I love screenshots in general (no matter who they’re from).

    Oh, in your first screenie, you edited out the guys name, but it’s said in the chat. :< I’m not sure if you want to fix that or not.

  2. @ Grenadier – no worries, I actually wanted the original and non-edited version of that screenshot but I lost it in a… previous computer mishap. As you can see I didn’t edit any names in any of the other screenshots… I’m lazy and I don’t think anyone will mind =P

  3. Zharot is awesome. He somehow manages to spend all day talking in /2, while somehow being one of the better endgame tanks on the server. I’m convinced that either he gets trade chat while in raids, or alternatively, he’s badass enough to tank from cities. Somewhere there’s a 24 man raid group going “WHY ISN’T MALYGOS ATTACKING US!?”

  4. Love the screen shots! One of these days I’ll have to see Ragnaros…

    One warning, though… in the one of Thrall’s throne room, there’s a goldseller add in the trade chat, lower left corner. Might want to blur that (No freebies for goldsellers!)


  5. I was going through some old screenshots myself today and they brought back memories, as you can tell from my blog.

    I really love that last shot in Dire Maul, I LOVE the coloring. I would have used it as a desktop too.

  6. Dude.

    In the first and thirteenth photos? Zharot and Thaird are my husband’s toons.

    I am so amused. XD

    (Also, yes, his pass time is trolling trade. >_> )

  7. @Theaah Give him a high five from McJiggins / Sentaigrehsk. I’ve never actually been in an instance with him, but he’s a friggen’ cool guy. Always extremely helpful, and always ready to administer the verbal beatdown on haters.

  8. I remember going to Dire Maul so many times. Priests could get lots of great mp5 gear there before heading to MC. And of course all the locks I knew needing their mounts. Lots of fun .. makes me miss the old days.

  9. I occasionally troll through my old screen shots every now and then. I still have some that WoW saved in .tga format. 😉 Sadly I lost about half the shots I had when I migrated systems a couple of years ago. Thought I had them backed up on the server and either forgot where I put them or didn’t have them backed up. 🙁

    Usually I have screenshots because of something interesting happening or something stupid that someone says. (personal fav so far: messaging a guild mate and getting an afk reply of “afk for sex”.)

  10. My favourite is the one with the corpse pile in front of the tree. Honestly, like my favourite screenshot ever.

    Tree’s all like “Hm… how’d that happen?”

    Great stuff 🙂

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